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Banim Street, Hammersmith

Sensitive infill development of 3 houses, 3 apartments and a small commercial unit.

Designed to blend in seamlessly

This project was a sensitive infill development of 3 houses, 3 apartments and a small commercial unit in the Bradmor Conservation Area within the London Borough of Hammersmith.

The surrounding area is generally characterised by two and three storey Victorian terraces punctuated at ends of terraces or on corners.

Our design reflects this in completing the existing adjoining terrace along the street. Materials and detailing were again a reflection of the Victorian palette of nearby buildings.

architectural drawings

Popular and award winning

Our scheme was successful in obtaining planning consent and has proved popular with nearby residents as well as potential purchasers.

As a result of its quality, the project won a Hammersmith Society Environment Award, the Nancye Goulden Award, in 2015.


The development is located in Hammersmith & Fulham, West London.