Park Road Mews Development, Kingston
Mixed use mews development of 9 new homes over commercial space.
Kingston-upon-Thames, London KT2
Residential, Commercial

Creative design to unlock the hidden development potential of a tricky site
Haines Phillips Architects were appointed by Abimara Ltd to prepare feasibility and design proposals for high quality residential and commercial spaces on a semi-derelict backland site in Kingston upon Thames.
The triangular site was previously occupied by redundant workshop and garage spaces and is accessed from the via a narrow driveway. The main body of the site lies between the rear gardens of two rows of houses to the north and south.
A modern mews development
Our proposed design was for a mews style development of 9 new homes over a flexible commercial space at ground floor level. The homes are a mixture of 1, 2 and 3 bed units and include generous amenity space.
The style of the proposals takes precedence from the surrounding streets and aims to use materials and details in keeping with the sensitive context.
The developer, Abimara Ltd, in partnership with the Contractor, Nubode Ltd, constructed the new buildings to a high standard of energy efficiency and fabric performance and use a SIPs system for the residential units’ structure seated on a reinforced concrete podium which houses the Commercial units and residential parking.

Careful massing and orientation to create privacy to and from the surrounding properties
The massing and orientation have been carefully arranged to allow excellent levels of daylight to the new homes, whilst minimizing overlooking to the surrounding properties.

A careful and extensive process to obtaining planning consent
An extensive process of pre-application enquiries and consultations was carried out and the design carefully developed to arrive at a design that positively contributes to the local distinctiveness of the local conservation area and respects the privacy and amenity of the surrounding residents.
The full planning application was submitted in September 2017 and received approval at planning committee in June 2018.
The scheme was identified by Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames as an “exemplar RBK small site” and is featured on their website “Small sites design narrative”.
The development is located in the South East of England in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey.