Pegs Lane, Hertford
Five storey mixed use corner site development of 14 apartments over a ground floor restaurant unit.
Hertfordshire, SG13
Residential, Commercial
The Pegs Lane, Hertford project is a mixed-use development on a prominent corner site in the Hertford Conservation Area.
Our design was for the demolition of an unattractive 3-storey bar/restaurant building and the erection of a new 5-storey building with a ground floor café and residential apartments on the upper floors.
The 14 apartments are a mixture of one and two bed units with associated parking in the basement. The new units are to high sustainability standards and feature generous floor to ceiling arranged in a hierarchical arrangement to give additional height to the feature corner.
The angular bulk of the scheme rises from each side on Pegs Lane and Hale Road to the corner to give a central emphasis that responds to its important corner location. The use of gradual set back planes from the projection to the corner gives added emphasis and verticality to this feature.
Detailed elevational treatment is of similar language to the neighbouring proposed buildings but with the use of stone as the main cladding treatment to give additional distinction. Likewise more glazing, including glazed balustrades to balconies, is proposed to take advantages of both aspect and views out from the site to the south. A brick plinth treatment and similar treatment to the rear corner at ground level directly addressing the neighbouring site’s landscaped square, helps to provide unify the development with its neighbours. Set back areas and gable ends are in a grey coloured cladding system, to give greater emphasis to the projecting corner and to relate to similar proposals in the neighbouring blocks.
Flat roofs include both a roof top garden for the larger top floor apartment and green roofs elsewhere to deliver sustainable drainage benefits and biodiversity.
The public realm works include the removal of existing guard railing, and resurfacing consistent with that proposed to Pegs Lane. Again these proposals will contribute to the enhancement of the Conservation Area.